
< Types

Commands overview

Commands are instructions sent to an account to perform an action eg to open a trade. Commands can be generated in several ways.

  • Trade copiers If you have a trade copier setup and the lead account makes a trade, a command will be created for the follower account to copy the action
  • Equity protect If you setup equity protect with the close all option, close commands will be created to close all open trades
  • User generated Commands can be created for an account via the API to perform an independent action ie to open, modify or close a trade.

Commands have a life cycle. The status of a command starts as working and usually ends as complete. Typically they are created and executed in less than a second. The result column will tell you what happened.

If a command has not executed as expected, the result column will help you understand why. Each command has a command event button which you can click to see all the events associated with the command.

Command events are a subset of Events and can be found in the Event section.

Commands are filtered based on account IDs or copier IDs. Select a date range and one of these IDs to see the commands for that resource.